Your Energy Project.
Our Quality Services.
Successful Project Execution.


About Us

Our mission is what drives us – building and empowering a great team that adds value to our clients.

Principle Services is a Texas-based veteran owned small business and the premier Owners Representative company for the power delivery and renewable energy industries.

We help Owners develop and execute power infrastructure projects with Quality, Integrity, and Efficiency.

Our Services


Program & Project
Management (PMO)

Representing the Owner’s best interests throughout all phases of a project, from initial planning through operations handoff.

Construction Management
& Inspection

Providing quality control, transparent reporting of project progress, and safe job performance.


Developing stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP) and performing inspections to monitor for compliance.

Project Budgets Managed
Miles of Transmission
Number of Substations
MW Renewable Generation
Stormwater Inspections Completed

Markets We Serve


Transmission & Distribution

Serving a range of electric utility clients, including investor-owned utilities, municipally-owned utilities, and electric cooperatives.

Energy Storage

Serving developers, constructors, owners and operators of energy storage assets throughout the planning, design, construction, and operations lifecycle.

Renewable Generation

Serving developers, constructors, owners and operators of renewable generation assets throughout the planning, design, and construction lifecycle.

Latest Projects


Daniel Price, President, Hunt Energy Network
Our Clients Are Our Passion

Principle Services has been a key partner in developing Hunt Energy Network’s distributed generation projects. Their project management and construction expertise have proven to be a successful combo. Hunt is confident executing on future development with the PS team as a strategic partner.

Daniel Price, President, Hunt Energy Network
Nick Peters, Solutions Developer
We Value Our Team

For whatever level of the company someone is at, if they have a suggestion, feedback, an idea, or anything, it carries the same weight no matter who it is coming from. I think that is important for getting employees to think creatively and think outside the box.

Nick Peters, Solutions Developer
PS getting quote from nonprofit/Childrens Home of Lubbock
We Care About Communities

As a Company, we strive to be good stewards of what we’ve been given. We find great fulfillment in engaging with the communities in which we live and work to make a positive impact. I love being part of a company that embraces this posture of servanthood.

Carrie Eberhard, Ministry Committee Executive Sponsor
Helping owners execute projects with quality, integrity, and efficiency.
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